Electronic Scrip Incorporated (ESI) is a California-based corporation dedicated to establishing relationships between commerce and community — to provide resources to organizations and projects that support children. ESI introduced the eScrip program in 1999 and has distributed over $120 million to schools and youth organizations across the country.
Here’s How it Works
- You register any one or all of your existing grocery loyalty, debit and credit cards for use in the program.
- Participating merchants will make contributions to your chosen group, based on purchases made by you, just by using the cards you have registered.
- Your purchases are tracked and available to you online, allowing you to see just how much you are earning on your club’s and the Foundation’s behalf! 50% of everything you earn goes to your club for its’ Programs of Service and the other 50% goes to the Foundation to help fund the District Youth Projects (e.g., Youth of the Year, ACE, and Search for Talent). Everyone you can get to sign up for this program helps earn money for your club and the District’s Youth Projects. Friends and relatives can sign up using the information below and your club will earn based on their purchases. There is no cost to sign up for this program!
Sign Up Now!
eScrip is proven to be a fantastic resource for fundraising where participating business partners contribute a percentage of your grocery loyalty cards, credit card, and debit/ATM card purchases to the school, group or organization of your choice.
You can sign up easily on the internet. All you have to do is go to www.escrip.com.
The link will take you to a set of pages that allow you to enter all of the needed information needed by the program. On the first page you are asked what Group you want to support. Click in the Group ID circle and then enter 141589329 in the box below.
That is the Foundation’s Group ID number which allows eScrip to credit your earnings to the Foundation. The rest of the pages allow you to enter your personal data in order for eScrip to keep track of your individual purchases.
Please note that eScrip has a very strict Privacy Policy that does not allow them to share any of your personal information with vendors. All of your information is safe and secure within their system.
If you want any additional information about eScrip please contact District Treasurer Ken Owens at kaowens2@verizon.net .