Legacy Award
The National Exchange Club’s Legacy of the Year Award recognizes high school students who are children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren of current Exchange Club members. Students should also display exceptional community involvement and leadership skills. This program rewards outstanding young people and provides incentives for others to serve their country and communities.
Club Submittal must be into District by April 4th
Your Local Exchange Club, the California/Nevada District, and the National Exchange Club’s Legacy of the Year Award all recognize high school students who are children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Exchange Club members. Candidates also display exceptional community involvement and leadership skills. This program rewards outstanding young people and provides incentives for others to serve their country and communities.
If an Exchange Club or District chooses to implement this program, they may do so and coordinate this award similar to the popular Youth of the Year and A.C.E. of the Year Scholarship programs.
The Legacy of the Year Award recognizes high school students who are children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Exchange Club members.
This is a positive program with two key objectives:
- It helps encourage students to continue with community involvement and leadership.
- It recognizes students who have knowledge and experience regarding the sacrifices made for the community, and country. This special recognition serves as a powerful awareness to all students that it is an honorable action to serve our communities and country, thus making our communities better places to live.
- The winner of the district will be presented the Legacy of the Year award up to $2,500 scholarship at our District’s Annual Convention.
The winner of the National Award will be presented the Legacy of the Year award and a $15,000 scholarship at Exchange’s annual National Convention. The $15,000 scholarship must be used within four years of the day the award is received (National Convention date). Any money remaining at the four-year mark will be forfeited. Travel accommodations will be provided to the winner and the parents/guardians.